Stova, formerly MeetingPlay and Aventri Acquisition and Brand Consolidation

Stova, formerly MeetingPlay and Aventri is in the business of helping forge meaningful connections, so we’ve designed event technology that enables them, all while delivering transformative experiences they'll remember long after your last session.

Goal: Launch a social campaign announcing the acquisition for MeetingPlay and Aventri, and optimize email automations.

MeetingPlay acquired Aventri and needed support writing announcement social posts and paid search ads for both brands. In addition to this goal, they had top of funnel (TOFU) and middle of funnel (MOFU) automations that needed development and optimization.

  • Email campaign messaging development

  • Nurture new leads and old (dead) leads

  • Create lists and segmentation around products and interests - hybrid events, virtual events and in-person

  • Create a system for pushing qualified leads from marketing to sales (lead scoring)

  • Enrich contact data with gated content (step forms) and automations

  • Marketing CRM data cleanup

  • Test and optimize automations using A/B tests on both emails and landing pages to find optimal nurture path



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